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☑ All our expertise in energy management and quality, applied to software and systems that support decision making, help with protection, and increase performance!

☑ Whether for a simple local system or for defragmented structures in different locations, we have solutions that aim to expand the possibilities in energy management and energy quality.


☑ From apportionment software to structures that manage energy, inputs and energy quality, on a server or in the cloud. We have scalable and modular solutions that meet all market measurement demands.

Diferenciais dos produtos EMBRASUL

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Whether for a specific measuring point at the entrance, for numerous points in a plant, or spread across different locations, our systems and software embrace any topology.

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Licença e serviço

à disposição!

We sell the license by delivering it installed, and we work with SaaS "Software As A Service" with start-up support, providing an application team that helps the customer discover the best payback.

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Our systems are modular and focused on each application, allowing the user to purchase only what is essential. Have a system focused on what you need, and expand as needed!

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Support and


We have an application team to help with the best choice, a support team to help throughout the experience, and if necessary, our engineering can help with customizations.

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